Monday, 30 June 2014

Fresh Summer Beetroot Dip with Rocket and Walnuts

Yes, it is PINK... :)
Use it as a wonderfully refreshing - and amazingly colourful - dip, dressing, side dish or topping!


- Greek Style Yoghurt
- 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper
- Walnuts
- Fresh Rocket
- Sugar
- Lemon/Lime Juice
- 1 Jar of Pickled (Baby) Beetroot


Fill a small (or big) bowl with Greek Style yoghurt and add 2 Tbsp of olive oil, salt, pepper and a squirt of lemon/lime juice. To tone down the tangy taste of the lemon, add a pinch of sugar. Prepare the Walnuts (or any other nuts e.g. Pinenuts, Cashews, etc.) chop into little crunchy pieces.

To give it it's AMAZING colour, use the liquid from a jar of Pickled (Baby) Beetroot and pour in about half of the amount of yoghurt used.
Then mix it all together and lift the rocket under the dip!

Once it's ready you can use it on or as virtually anything: from a salad dressing to a tasty spread on your next Sub-Sandwich.

If you want to make a bigger salad from it, you could add cubes of Beetroot, Pasta, more Rocket, Croutons, chopped Spring Onions or any other chopped vegetables.



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